Capa » THE LAST SONG OF AUTUMN, The Shadowy Story of Mysterious Count of Lautréamont

THE LAST SONG OF AUTUMN, The Shadowy Story of Mysterious Count of Lautréamont


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Título: THE LAST SONGS OF AUTUMN: The Shadowy Story of the Mysterious Count of Lautréamont


Editora: iUniverse, INC. New York – E.U.A

ISBN: 978-1-4401-9906-6 (Paperback) / 978-1-4401-9900-66 (hardcover) / 978-1-4401-9907-3 (e-book)

Numero de páginas: 484


Tragic fate pursues Isidore Ducasse from his childhood, when, at the age of two, he witnesses the suicide of Célestine, his mother, on Christmas Eve, 1847.

Eleven years later, with epidemics and wars tearing at Uruguay, his father, the diplomat François Ducasse, puts the boy on a ship and sends him to the south of France to be educated. He suffers horrific anguish there and resists the approaches of pedophiles within the scholastic prisons of Tarbes and Pau.

At the age of eighteen, holding a baccalauréat degree and with some of his unfinished songs in hand, he takes on the pseudonym the “Count of Lautréamont” and enters the literary world of Paris and Brussels.

Rejected by publishers, the young writer abandons his studies and takes on a life of luxury at his father’s expense. When everything seems to be going well for this precocious dandy, his father, angry at his exuberant lifestyle, deserts him.

In 1870, the Franco-Prussian War breaks out and the French empire falls at the feet of Bismarck. Decadence overtakes his guardian, the banker Jean Darasse, leading both Isidore and François Ducasse into bankruptcy, and leaving the elder diplomat practically penniless in South America, a region that is also in flames.

At the age of twenty-four, without means to support himself in Room 7 on Faubourg-Montmartre Street and profoundly depressed at the carnage of bodies piling up in the streets of Paris, the young writer takes to living cloistered in his own tedium, making of literature his escape, and carrying on a daily struggle against the pernicious idea of suicide.  Will he survive? Will he end his own life?

Literary Awards:

The book played 3 literary awards and won three: Jabuti Prize, of the Brazilian Book Chamber in 2004; was awarded the Fiction Prize by the Brazilian Academy of Letters as the Best Novel of 2004 and Prize for Translation, by Writers’ Association of Bucharest, 2009.

Opinion of the international criticismo

It is a monumental novel, frightening and moving, which should be read and reread with care. (Ziarul financial Magazine, Romania)

The Last Songs of Autumn can already be considered as one of the leading novels to have appeared in this new millennium. Here is an extraordinarily well-written book, esthetically perfect, which can be appreciated and understood by all generations. (Continente Magazine)

In the splendid and disturbing Last Songs of Autumn, the author renews the genre of fictionalized biography to the degree to which he allows himself to be “contaminated” by the genius and the existential drama of his character. (Ivan Junqueira, Poet and President of the Brazilian Academy of Letters)

 An extraordinary novel that deserves all prices (Luís A. Giron, Época Magazine)

 I loved the novel immediately.  It is the real metaphor of the true world in which we live.  It is a strong, passionate book that deserves to be distributed throughout the world.(Antonio Skármeta)

 Ruy Câmara debuts at this opening of a century as if determined to inspire future generations of fiction writers.  (Gerardo Mello Mourão, Poet)

 The Twenty-First Century has yet to produce anything that can be compared to this prodigious novel that we have in our hands. (Ivan Junqueira – President of the Brazilian Academy of Letters)

 Ruy Câmara debuts with enviable literary maturity. It is unusual for an author to produce a novel of such great consistency even at the end of his career.  (Antonio Skármeta)

 In this deliciously written novel, Ruy manages a brilliant take on the turbulent life of Isidore Ducasse, Countof Lautréamont. As a literary consultant and agent it is not every day – or every year – that I come across a novel like The author is a master of his genre, his artistic talent and writing style never cease to enchant and amaze me. I am truly grateful to have been made part of his world success. (James McSill, Literary Agent)

 As a university professor (CUNY) I have often referred my students to biographies of outstanding personalities. Through biography the student learns about others while enhancing knowledge about himself. Reading novels and biography is an essential adjunct to understanding human psychology. It is no wonder that Ruy Camara, Brazil’s most prominent literary novelist, was awarded the prestigious Prize of Fiction for the best novel of 2004, by the Brazilian Letters Academy for his work, “The Last Songs of Autumn.” Dealing with the life of Isadore-Lucien Ducasse, who adopted the pseudonym of Count of Lautreamont, Camara delves deeply into this mysterious and impenetrable poet, lending insight into an extraordinary life. I was immediately captured and thoroughly engrossed by the opening chapters of this remarkable literary achievement, and remained so to the vary last pages. While others have attempted to portray the enigmatic Ducasse, only Camara has successfully illuminated our understanding of the poet. In reading this biographical novel you will be rewarded with an unforgettable literary experience! Ed.D. Dr. James Schiavone, is professor emeritus of developmental skills at the City University of New York.

 In this deliciously written novel, Ruy manages a brilliant take on the turbulent life of Isidore Ducasse, Count of Lautréamont. As a literary consultant and agent it is not every day – or every year – that I come across a novel like The Last Songs of Autumn. Overall it is a fascinating read. The tragedy, unusually engaging, oddly moving, starts in Montevideo, Uruguay. But it does not end there. The author is a master of his genre, his artistic talent and writing style never cease to enchant and amaze me. I am truly grateful to have been made part of his world success. (James McSill, Literary Agent)

In this imaginative biography, Ruy Câmara manages to recreate one of the strangest personalities of all world literature, Isidore Ducasse, the Count of Lautréamont, unanimously considered to be the great precursor of surrealism.  (Ivo Barroso, O Estado de São Paulo)


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THE LAST SONG OF AUTUMN, The Shadowy Story of Mysterious Count of Lautréamont  (Formato: Paperback) R$98,60

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